Channel: southossetia
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Rice Crispies

"This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia, where Russia can threaten a neighbor, occupy a capital, overthrow a government and get away with it." Condoleezza Rice, August 13, 2008. Perhaps...

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This is my first...It's always awkward the first time

Strangely, I would've thought that as a native Californian I'd have a little more immunity from the anti-Obama e-mails.  But, yesterday I received this in my Inboxmore below the fold

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Did Granpappy and Randy start WW III?

This past weekend Russia inavaded the soverign nation of Georgia, after the unprovoked attack of South Ossetia. In the following days after the attack and Russia's subsequent invasion of Georgia, to...

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Georgian TIMELINE as seen by the UN Security Council

This dairy began as a push against what I have seen in the media this week as our forth estate "covers" the Georgian conflict.  However, as I began writing, I began feeling, and what follows is a very...

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Faux News try to censor the real world (South Ossetia)

Faux News thought they had a coup when they brought in a 12 year old girl who fled the South Ossetia war zone.  They believed the neocon BS that whoever was fleeing was running away from those...

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What Did Bush Really See in Putin's Eyes?

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Breaking: George Bush responsible for South Ossetia invasion

So I hear on Free Speech Radio News today that US special forces trained the same exact Georgian troops that invaded South Ossetia just days or weeks before the invasion.  And so then I looked and...

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Fox Censorship: 12 year old tells the truth about Georgia

A 12 year old girl visiting family in South Ossetia speaks out on how the bombing started. The young girl and her mother blame Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili for bombing South Ossetia for two...

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Fox gets punk'd by 12 year old Ossetian girl

Wow, Faux really blew it here, bringing in a 12 year old Ossetian girl "hero" to talk about how bad the Russian aggression was, first-hand, only to have the girl stop the flow of the interview and...

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More "nuances" in the Georgia - Russia conflict - UPDATED

I've been blogging about the Georgia - Russia conflict as have many others.  This post was written with the background of these others posted at Reality Window in mind.  Messing with history in...

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Smoldering Feud, Then War---Tensions at Obscure Border Led to Georgia Russia...

All quotes and information from "Smoldering Feud, Then War---Tensions at Obscure Border Led to Georgia Russia Clash," The Wall Street Journal, Saturday/Sunday, August 16-17, 2008, page 1.Tension in...

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STRATEGERY '08: The Neocons' Caucusus Project

Here's a primer on what has been unfolding in the Caucusus, and how it has affected the political debate here in America.  I'm aware this has been blogged about here before, this is just my take on it.

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Are Neocons Scamming Us On the Russo-Georgian Conflict?

Not everyone is as naive as the Straussians assume. There is beginning to be lots of speculation concerning the Russo-Georgian conflict that erupted a little more than a week ago. HuffingtonPost.com...

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Georgia -- Things are getting even stickier

The New York Times is reporting that Russian troops have detained 21 Georgian soldiers in the Georgian port of Poti.  The Georgian soldiers, and 5 U.S.-owned Humvees that were in the port awaiting...

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Will Republican attempt to restart Cold War accidentally remind people of...

For the last seven years, Republicans have poked the real pain we felt on 9/11 to convince us that small nations who weren't involved in those attacks would be an "existential" threat to the United...

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Tblisi, Georgia may be more important than Atlanta, Georgia...

in the current presidential campaign.  Is it possible that the Bush administration and Republican strategists urged on--through their emissary, the ever loyal warrior Condoleeza--an attack on South...

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The Georgia/South Ossetia/Russia/US Crisis

The question is: why would Georgia's president Saakashvili invade a sworn enemy, which has a Russian peace keeping force stationed there to defend Ossetia's autonomy? It would appear to be a suicide...

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A Visit to a South Ossetian Village Illuminates Georgians’ Views

The roads and kitchen gardens of Khetagurovo, in South Ossetia (Georgia) are marked with large craters created by artillery shells.  Many of the craters are close together.  A Wall Street Journal...

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On Touring The World, Or, Blogging-It's A Collective Thing

For the past two weeks we have paid more attention to the rest of the world than usual, what with the Olympics drawing our attention to Asia, and the conflict in the Balkans forcing us to learn that...

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Conversations with a non voter

  This diary is nothing more than my best recollection of a couple of conversations with a non voting individual referred to as joven, which is Spanish for young man.

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